The Auroville Universal Township envisaged by the Mother is one of the
unique examples of manifestation of human unity in diversity. The township
founded on a barren plateau devoid of any blade of grass in 1968 has become
a green area shaded with a variety of trees and plants. The architectural
designs, appropriate building technologies, conservation approach, rainwater
harvesting, re-use and recycling of water resources, solid waste management,
land re-generation, community participation are some of the areas where
innovative models and techniques have been developed and adapted in the
As per Charter, Auroville belongs to the humanity as a whole and the
one who is to live in Auroville must be willing servitor of Divine Consciousness.
It is in this background the growth of Auroville needs to be seen. The
township designed for an ultimate population of 50000 in an area of 2000
ha. would be a viable functional entity. Although the character and set
up of the township may not be the same as that of any other town of similar
size, functionally it requires to be a self contained township. The Master
Plan of the township has, therefore, rightly envisaged development of
economic zone alongwith residential, cultural and institutional areas.
The provision of green belt around the built up portion of the township
would be an important environmental safeguard. Auroville is a different
township from development management point of view and the Master Plan
exercise has rightly recognised its uniqueness.
I am sure, Master Plan would channelise the future growth and development
of Auroville as per the envisioned charter. Its development may provide
a good model for emulation in other towns and cities as well. Contributions
made by the Resident Assembly and the various other Aurovilian Working
Groups in formulation of the Master Plan are praiseworthy symbolising
active involvement of community groups in Master Plan exercise. I compliment
Town and Country Planning Organisation of this Ministry and Auroville
Foundation for drawing the Auroville Master Plan of international significance.
Dated : 25 Jan., 2001
Minister for Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation,
Government of India
Sri Aurobindo and the Mother have diagnosed the contemporary crisis
of humanity as an evolutionary crisis which can be resolved only if the
consciousness of universal fraternity can manifest and bring about actualisation
of human unity. In order to aid this difficult objective, the Mother founded
Auroville on 28th February 1968 as a Universal Township, 150 kms. south
of Chennai in south India and gave it a Charter. This Charter declares
that Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole and that to live in Auroville
one must be a willing servitor of Divine Consciousness. It further declares
that Auroville will be the place of unending education and constant progress,
a bridge between the past and the future, and that it will be the site
of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual
human unity.
The Mother envisaged the Auroville township of an ultimate population
of 50,000, with Matrimandir as its centre and soul. Since its inception,
the township has been growing steadily and today it has about 1,500 residents
representing 35 nationalities.
The Auroville Foundation Act, 1988, enacted by the Government of India,
is one of the important milestones in the development of Auroville. It
provides a statutory support for preparation of Master Plan of Auroville
to ensure orderly and planned development of Auroville. The Auroville
township is designed to be in an area of 2000 ha. in a circular form of
which about 850 ha. have already been acquired by the Auroville Foundation.
The Master Plan envisages systematic development of the Township and prevention
of any non-conforming developments in the area. The Master Plan based
on the original concept given by the Mother envisages intertwining of
four major functional zones, namely, Residential, Cultural, International,
and Industrial, -- around a Peace Area in the centre. About 25% of the
township would be built up portion, surrounded by a green belt based on
the concept of eco-friendly and sustainable development.
Innovative models and techniques in the field of afforestation, land development,
water conservation, rainwater harvesting, building technology, community
participation, energy saving, etc; incorporated in the Master Plan would
be integral to the township development and management. Integrated urban
and rural development strategies have also been envisaged.
Auroville is a unique township, the fundamental thrust of which is centred
on research, which is comprehensive and which transcends all creeds, all
politics, and all narrowing ideologies. It encompasses the areas of the
East and the West and human unity, of science and spirituality, of arts,
crafts and technologies, and of all that pertains to the evolution of
humanity through a process of evolutionary mutation leading up to the
development of a new humanity or superhumanity. It can be described as
a Centre of Advanced Research.
I appreciate the contributions made by the Residents Assembly of Auroville
and its various groups. I would like to place on record my sincere thanks
to the Planning Team of the Auroville Foundation, Mr. Roger Anger, Chief
Architect of Auroville, and a number of individuals who have worked day
and night to bring the Master Plan (Perspective: 2025) into its final
form. I am particularly thankful to Shri G. Dattatri, Urban Advisor, who
has inspired our Planning Team and devoted a good deal of his precious
time by visiting Auroville frequently and working on this Master Plan
(Perspective: 2025).
My special thanks are to Shri D.S. Meshram, Chief Planner, Town and Country
Planning Organisation, Government of India, and his colleagues, Shri J.B.
Kshirsagar and Shri M.L.Chotani for their advice and collaboration in
formulating this Master Plan (Perspective: 2025).
It would be relevant at this stage to record with great satisfaction that
in our endeavours to develop the township and particularly in promoting
and in establishing foundation for sustainable development, we have received
great support from the Governmental and Non-governmental Organisations,
besides national and international agencies. It is also noteworthy that
UNESCO has passed five Resolutions at its General Conferences to express
its support to the establishment and promotion of Auroville. I would also
like to record with gratefulness the constant goodwill, encouragement
and involvement of the Government of India, as also of the Governments
of Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry.
I am happy that this Master Plan (Perspective : 2025) has been prepared
jointly by the Auroville Foundation and the Town and Country Planning
Organisation of the Union Ministry of Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation.
Auroville Foundation